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The mudslides that follow wildfires in Southern California can be deadly -- and difficult to predict. New National Science Foundation-funded research will help officials identify areas prone to these ...
In recent years, the combination of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) algorithms and UAV-based aerial images has revolutionised 3D topographic surveys for natural environment monitoring, offering low-cost, ...
Right now, about 500,000 pieces of human-made debris are whizzing around space, orbiting our planet at speeds up to 17,500 miles per hour. This debris poses a threat to satellites, space vehicles and ...
Researchers have developed the first numerical polarimetric radar simulator to study and characterize the scattering of debris particles in tornadoes. (See video) The results of their study are publi...
A University of Oklahoma research team with the Advanced Radar Research Center has developed the first numerical polarimetric radar simulator to study and characterize scattering mechanisms of debris ...
Deep-water deposition is a current issue in sedimentological research. Sandy-debris-flow sandstones and turbidity-current sandstones are the main types of sandstone that are the focus of considerable ...
The frequency of debris flow events caused by severe rainstorms has increased in Korea. LiDAR provides high-resolution topographical data that can represent the land surface more effectively than othe...
On August 20 of 2014, Hiroshima City (Japan) was struck by local heavy rain from an autumnal rain front. The resultant debris flow disaster claimed 75 victims and destroyed many buildings. From 1:30 a...
When disasters strike in urban areas, the most important issue is to direct rescue forces to the most heavily destroyed areas. SAR images, because of their independence from daylight and weather condi...
Debris flows cause an average € 30 million damages and 1-2 fatalities every year in Austria. Detailed documentation of their extent and magnitude is essential for understanding, preventing and mitigat...
Detecting the volume change of loose deposit of rock debris accumulated and debris discharged is one of the methods to study debris flow. The volume can be resulted by overlapping multi-temporal DEM. ...
In this paper, we extend our numerical method for simulating terrestrial planet formation to include dynamical friction from the unresolved debris component. In the previous work, we implemented a rub...
This study applies original aerial photographs to reconstruct orthoimages and extract digital terrain model (DTM) for images of various periods. The area of research is located at the Daluowan stream ...
This paper contains the results of a series of geophysical investigations carried out on the largest debris flow to have taken place in Tavernole, S. Felice a Cancello (Caserta, Southern Italy). The ...
Turbidity currents and debris flows represent the most prominent processes of sediment transport from the shallow shelf waters into the deep ocean. These gravity driven flows are capable of transporti...
























