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2022年9月12日,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院医工所生物医学光学与分子影像研究中心储军研究员课题组的最新成果,高性能基因编码的环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)荧光探针,以“A high-performance genetically encoded fluorescent indicator for in vivo cAMP imaging”为题,在线发表于国际知名期刊Nature Communicat...
细胞为了应答各类胞外的信号,可以产生一系列小分子,并通过变化其浓度调节胞内的各种生物学反应,从而在细胞信号转导途径中起着放大信号的功能。这类小分子被统称为’第二信使’ (second messenger),其中最为人所熟知的便是于1971 诺贝尔医学或生理学奖的3′,5′位环化的单磷酸腺苷环磷酸腺苷 (3′,5′-cAMP)。近年来,3′,5′-cAMP的同分异构体2′,3′-cAMP在不同物种中...
探讨蛋白激酶A(PKA)激活物cAMP对颅脑损伤(TBI)大鼠神经功能、脑水肿的影响。方法 选取120只成年雄性SD大鼠随机分为6组(每组20只):假手术组(暴露硬脑膜而不给予液压打击);高、中、低剂量cAMP组(TBI后1 h腹腔注射60、40、20 mg/kg PKA激活物8-Bromo-cAMP);溶媒组(TBI后1 h腹腔注射cAMP溶媒二甲基亚砜10 μl);模型组(液压打击处理)。TB...
中国科学技术大学生命科学学院金腾川课题组和加拿大滑铁卢大学Michael Palmer课题组合作,利用X晶体衍射技术首次解析B型链球菌成孔蛋白CAMP因子的晶体结构,并揭示了该毒力因子行使生物学功能的分子机制。研究成果以“Crystal structure of the Streptococcus agalactiae CAMP factor provides insights into its ...
2018年4月6日晚,来自比利时根特大学食品化学与人类营养研究组(nutriFOODchem)的John Van Camp教授做客我校食科院教授名师学术报告会,进行了题为“Functional foods within a healthy diet——Lessons learned from the past and future challenges”的报告,吸引了众多师生前来聆听。
Protein intake during training sessions has no effect on performance and recovery during a strenuous training camp for elite cyclists
Athletes Muscle damage Creatine kinase Power Endurance performance
Background: Training camps for top-class endurance athletes place high physiological demands on the body.Focus on optimizing recovery between training sessions is necessary to minimize the risk of inj...
2015年9月29日,中国政府“友谊奖”颁奖大会在北京人民大会堂举行。国务院总理李克强2015年9月30日下午在人民大会堂会见荣获2015年度中国政府“友谊奖”的外国专家和他们的亲属。甘肃农业大学动物科学技术学院吴建平教授所领团队实施的“青藏高原牧区家庭牧场资源优化配置技术模式试验与示范”等引智项目所引进专家David Camp获此殊荣并受到国务院李克强总理的亲切接见。
Paleoseismological data from a new trench across the El Camp Fault(Catalan Coastal Ranges,NE Iberian Peninsula)
paleoseismicity trenching normal fault Catalan Coastal Ranges El Camp Fault
The El Camp Fault (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Iberian Peninsula) is a slow slipping normal fault whose seismic potential has only recently been recognised. New geomorphic and trench investigations wer...
Vitamin C, A and E supplementation decreases the expression of HSPA1A and HSPB1 genes in the leukocytes of young polish figure skaters during a 10-day training camp
Overexpression of HSPA1A and HSPB1 has been shown to indicate stress and the degradation of damaged proteins. Therefore, the expression of these genes is often evaluated during exercise. Vitamin suppl...
Training Diaries during Altitude Training Camp in Two Olympic Champions: an Observational Case Study
Live high-train high live high-train low
Traditionally, Live High-Train High (LHTH) interventions were
adopted when athletes trained and lived at altitude to try maximising the benefits offered by hypoxic exposure and improving
sea level...