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北京邮电大学马华东教授团队荣获2019年度IEEE Trans. on Multimedia最佳论文奖
北京邮电大学 马华东 教授 2019年度 IEEE Trans. on Multimedia 最佳论文奖 物联网渐进式搜索模式 城市车辆搜索
2019年7月10日,在上海召开的第20届IEEE国际多媒体年会(ICME 2019)上,我校马华东教授团队发表于IEEE多媒体汇刊(IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 简称IEEE TMM)2018年第3期的论文"PROVID: Progressive and Multimodal Vehicle Re-identification for Large-Scale Urban ...
近日,大连理工大学-立命馆大学国际信息与软件学院几何计算与智能媒体技术研究所李豪杰教授课题组研究工作Weakly Supervised Fine-grained Image Classification via Correlation-guided Discriminative Learning被多媒体领域顶级学术会议ACM Multimedia录用。ACM是世界上最大的计算机领域专业性学术组织,...
近日获悉,我校申恒涛教授率领的计算机科学与工程学院大媒体智能团队成功获得人工智能多媒体领域中唯一的CCF A类顶级学术会议——第29届ACM Multimedia 2021在电子科技大学的举办权。申恒涛教授和杨阳教授将分别担任本次会议的大会共同主席(General Co-Chair)和程序委员会共同主席(TPC Co-Chair)。ACM Multimedia 2009曾在北京举办,ACM Mul...
近日,2018年国际多媒体大会ACM Multimedia论文录用名单出炉。计算机与信息学院媒体计算实验室(Lab of Media Computing)共有四篇论文投稿并全部被录用,其中口头报告论文三篇、海报论文一篇。论文第一作者分别为博士研究生张浩然、胡骏、亓帆、王硕。ACM Multimedia被中国计算机学会(CCF)列为A类会议。根据CCF分类标准,A类会议指国际上极少数的顶级学术会议。...
第二届多媒体艺术品分析国际研讨会(The 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis (MMArt 2017))
第二届 多媒体艺术品分析 国际研讨会
In addition to classical art types like paintings, sculpture, music, dance, and movie, new types of artworks emerge as the advancement of social platforms, media capturing devices, and media processin...
3G Multimedia Content Production as Social Communication
Multimedia content production archiving distribution
Young people are taking advantage of the ever-increasing accessibility and technical capabilities of 3G phones and the Internet to represent their experiences through multimedia content. However, this...
2010 Second International Conference on MultiMedia and Information Technology (MMIT 2010)
2010 Second International Conference MultiMedia Information Technology MMIT 2010
We are delighted to invite you to participate in 2010 Second International Conference on MultiMedia and Information Technology (MMIT 2010) in Kaifeng, China , and April 24-25, 2010. The objective of M...
第17届全国多媒体学术会议(NCMT2008)征文(The 17th National Conference of Multimedia Technology, 2008)
第17届 多媒体 学术会议
多媒体技术是使计算机能综合处理多种媒体信息,建立多种信息的逻辑连接,使之集成为一个系统并具有交互性的技术。经过近二十年的持续快速发展,多媒体技术 的应用不断扩展,重要性日益突显并已成为计算机技术中一个不可缺少的部分,并与相邻技术,如信...
Development of Multimedia Computer Applications for Clinical Pharmacy Training
Development Multimedia Computer Applications Clinical Pharmacy Training
The development of multimedia computer simulations in clinical pharmacy education enables students to be exposed to clinical patient management earlier in the education process and allows for the trai...