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Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Analysis of South-East Asian Duck Populations Based on the mtDNA D-loop Sequences
Duck Populations D-loop Region Haplotype Mitochondrial DNA Phylogeny
The maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D–loop region is widely used for exploring genetic relationships and for investigating the origin of various animal species. Currently, domestic duck...
贵州东北部黑叶猴种群mtDNA D-loop序列多态性
黑叶猴 线粒体控制区 单倍型 遗传多样性
贵州东北部作为黑叶猴在中国的主要分布区之一,黑叶猴的数量在近 30 年急剧下降,栖息地破碎化严重,保护形势不容乐观。深入了解黑叶猴在贵州东北部地区地理种群的分子变异及遗传水平现状,可以为黑叶猴保护提供重要的依据。本文以黑叶猴的粪便、毛发为实验材料,利用线粒体DNA分子标记,对采自贵州东北部地区黑叶猴野生种群79个粪便样品和黔灵公园笼养种群22个粪便样品、5份毛发样品的线粒体控制区(mtDNA D-...
Genetic Diversity of mtDNA D-loop Polymorphisms in Laotian Native Fowl Populations
Native Fowl Genetic Variability mtDNA Maternal Origin
Here, we studied the genetic diversity of native fowls in Laos by analyzing a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence polymorphism. A 546-bp fragment of the mtDNA D-loop region was sequenced in 129 chicken...
Phylogenetic Analysis of a Privately-owned Korean Native Chicken Population Using mtDNA D-loop Variations
D-loop Variation Haplotype Korean Native Chicken mtDNA
The use of Korean native chicken is increasing, and the discovery of new genetic resources is very important from both economic and genetic conservation points of view. In this study, mtDNA D-loop seq...
Genetic Diversity of mtDNA D-loop and Maternal Origin of Three Chinese Native Horse Breeds
Chinese Western Native Horses Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Genetic Diversity Maternal Origin
In order to protect the genetic resource of native horse breeds, the genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop of three native horse breeds in western China were investigated. Forty-three ...
婆罗门牛mtDNA D-loop变异及其遗传背景
婆罗门牛 mtDNA D-loop多态性 遗传背景
对10头原种婆罗门牛mtDNA D-loop全序列912 bp测序,婆罗门牛遗传多样性丰富,检测到的9种单倍型兼有瘤牛(B. indicus)与普通牛(B. taurus)的遗传背景,核苷酸变异率为6.25%,单倍型多态度为0.978±0.054,核苷酸多态度为0.014 30±0.008 68。所有单倍型聚为明显的两大分支,婆罗门牛的大部分单倍型为普通牛单倍型类群, 并占绝对优势(90%),仅B...
新疆三种雅罗鱼属鱼类mtDNA D-loop多态性及起源分化分析Polymorphism and Original Analysis of mtDNA D-loop of Three Leuciscus Species in Xinjiang
新疆三种雅罗鱼 mtDNA D-loop PCR-RFLP 多态性 进化
摘要用PCR-RFLP技术,对新疆分布的准噶尔雅罗鱼、贝加尔雅罗鱼和高体雅罗鱼的mtDNA D-loop高变区约827bp进行了扩增,用ScaI、HinfI、AluI、DdeI 4种限制性内切核酸酶对56个样本的扩增产物酶切和RFLP分析,共检测到6种单倍型。准噶尔雅罗鱼存在2种单倍型:BDAA和BDBA;贝加尔雅罗鱼存在3种:AAAA、ABAA和ACAA;高体雅罗鱼只有1种。初步认为,准噶尔雅罗...
Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Analysis of the mtDNA D-loop Region in Tibetan Sheep
mtDNA D-loop Maternal Sources Tibetan Sheep Genetic Diversity
Seventeen haplotypes were detected from the complete mitochondrial DNA control region sequences analyzed from eighty individuals of two Tibetan domestic sheep breeds. The nucleotide composition of all...
Genetic Diversity and Origin of Chinese Domestic Goats Revealed by Complete mtDNA D-loop Sequence Variation
Chinese Domestic Goat mtDNA D-loop Genetic Diversity Origin
China has numerous native domestic goat breeds, but so far there has been no extensive study on genetic diversity, population demographic history, and origin of Chinese goats. To determine the origin ...